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R.K. Laboratory & Scientific Instrument


Paramount instruments

A CSP tester consists of three Instruments : a) Lea Strength Tester b) Yarn Count Balance c) Wrap Reel . It measures the lea strength and count and then expresses the result as count strength product . Strength is measured on constant rate of elongation principle.

Warrenty Period::

Paramount CSP Tester i9™ is an advanced Model equipment to determine the CSP (count strength product ) of yarns accurately .It measures the lea strength and count and then expresses the result as count strength product . Strength is measured in constant rate of elongation principle. It makes accurate leas using the advanced digital wrap reel. 5 leas can be made at one time After this the lea is weighed on the digital precision balance to check its count & than the lea is tested on the digital tensile strength tester to check its strength . After this the CSP is calculated as per formula.